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Last updated
I will be using only Cyberchef
Answer: can you capture the flag
Answer: lets try some binary out!
Answer: base32 is super common in CTF's
Answer: Each Base64 digit represents exactly 6 bits of data.
Answer: hexadecimal or base16?
Answer: Rotate me 13 places!
Answer: You spin me right round baby right round (47 times)
. -. -.-. --- -.. .. -. --.
Answer: Unpack this BCD
Let's make this a bit trickier...
Decode using md5hasing.net (Online Tools)
Answer: MDwhat?
Answer: digest the message algorithm
Answer: 128-bit of delicious hash values
Based on hint given it is, “SoftMicro”. Which refer to Microsoft NTLM Hashes.
Answer: Microsoft has encryption?
Check the hash.
Answer: 1024 bit blocks!
Answer: Commonly used in Blockchain
Answer: The OG
Challenge give us an audio. Secretaudio.wav. I decide to use Audacity. Spectogram. Ta-Da!
Answer: Super Secret Message
We try online tools to decode it. Steganographic Decoder
Answer: SpaghettiSteg
Given a png file. I strings the file. And get this
Answer: hackerchat.png
It say to go inside the archive.
And there is an archive file. Extract and strings the image.
Ps: I no need to Binwalk it.
By AdaniKamal